The “Potato” new product cloud release, hot broadcast room

2020-04-23 16:10:33
  Text Viewers:6592

Millions of Internet users have become “potato fans”

On April 18,a new product cloud conference with potato as the leading role-- “Potato,each potato is a good one”in Yizhibo and Doyin two video platform hot start.in the live broadcast room,host xiaoxiao,together with three food experts,@xiaoxiao,@big LOGO_,and@xiaomaomi,led nearly ten million fans to unlock the secret of “potato”,and at the same time,passed more scientific and healthy food ideas to the public.

Driven by the atmosphere of the host and several food experts,the live broadcast called a “potato feast” for tens of millions of people. The traditional concept of”earthy”potato has changed its old posture and become a hit “web celebrity potato.”

The potatoes,which are round in shape,similar in size and have a bright yellow skin,quickly attracted a lot of enthusiasm and consultation from online viewers.The most interactive question was exactly the biggest selling point of”Potato”--each potato is a good one.

In the past,when i bought potatoes,i carefully selected them for a long time.However,i often bought unsuitable potatoes.i wanted to fry them into shreds,but they turned out to be paste.

And potatoes has the same size,colour and lustre is consistent,cleanliness is consistent high-quality feature,and pioneered in cooking needs the new concept of establishing a product segmentation,stewed,Fried,baked,rinse with corresponding potato varieties,and will never again need to choose the large, this is the food of people have a special liking to “Potato”.

In the broadcast room,Potato Set related staff said,to bring people table high quality and new potato experience,let every consumer eat a safe and delicious potato,is the mission and original intention of the enterprise.

It is understood that as the first domestic enterprise specification quality standardization of potatoes,potato set company set production,processing,the sale in a body,the first 6S strict selection standards including the strict selection of land, strict selection of seed potato, strict selection of cultivation, strict selection of storage, strict selection of variety and strict selection of package, it is an important guarantee of the high quality product output, also is the core of the enterprise.

The 2 hours live broadcast attracted nearly 10 million foodie babies to watch the interaction.One live broadcast pointed out:the appearance of excellent,packaging style and each one is a good one the product connotation,is “Potato”popular live broadcast room,get consumer recognition of the fundamental reason.

This “Potato”is a dark horse in the fresh consumer market and is sure to be favored by more high-quality user both online and 0ffline.

The company said that with the rapid development of web celebrity live streaming and other online sales formats,Potato Sets will follow the market trend from this year.While improving the offline sales market,Potato Sets will focus on the distribution of online purchase channels,so that more consumers can easily purchase its series of potato product through different channels.

Next,”Potato”products will be successively entered into large supermarkets such as China resources,rt-mart,hema xiansheng,as well as fresh e-commerce,including Chunbo.com,daily youxian,womai.com.etc.At the same time,the Potato Set enterprise store will log in Tmal and JingDong in the near future,and the Potato Sets WeChat small program store will also be launched on April 18,fully meeting the purchase needs of consumers.